Monday 26 January 2015

The family (2º)

Review the family vocabulary with these games, enjoy!

1) Read the clue and spell the word by clicking on the letters. If you choose too many wrong letters the monkey will get squashed.

2) Can you put the words into the correct groups?

Sunday 25 January 2015

Farm Animals Jokes (1º)

Joke image 

What do you get if a cow jumps up and down?
A milkshake!
Do you understand the joke? If not, click here.
'Shake' means to move backwards and forwards or up and down. To make milkshake you shake the milk and the fruit so it gets mixed up. Cows have milk inside them so if they could jump and down the milk would shake! 

 Joke image

What do you call a cow in Alaska?
An Eskimoo!
Do you understand the joke? If not, click here.
Cows 'moo'. If you add an extra letter 'o' to Eskimo it sounds like the noise that cows make.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Farm Animals Jokes (1º)

Joke image 

Where do cows go at the weekend?
To the moo-vies!

Do you understand the joke?
'Moo' is the noise that cows make. The 'movies' is also called the cinema.

Joke image

What do you call a sheep with no legs?
A cloud!
Do you understand the joke? If not, click here.
Clouds in the sky sometimes look like sheep!

Thursday 22 January 2015

The family (2º)

Review the family vocabulary with these games. Have fun!
1) Paint the words to put them in the right groups.

2) Read the clues then find ten words hidden in the grid. Click and drag across the word to highlight it. The word could be upwards, downwards, across, backwards or diagonal.
When you have found the ten words in the puzzle click on 'Check Answers' to check your answer or click on ‘See Answers’ to see all the words.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Farm Animals (1º)

Learn about farm animals in this animated lesson. You will learn the names of farm animals, theis babies and home as you have fun.

Thursday 15 January 2015